Ultrasound is used in electrical maintenance as a technique for detecting problems in electrical equipment and systems. This technique is based on the detection of ultrasonic sounds generated by electrical equipment in operation, which can indicate problems such as electrical arcing, partial discharges, gas leaks and other defects.

- Detection of Electrical Arcs and Partial Discharges:Electrical arcs and partial discharges can generate ultrasonic noises that are inaudible to the human ear. Ultrasound devices can capture these sounds and convert them into detectable signals, enabling technicians to identify issues before they become severe failures.
- Gas Leaks: en equipos eléctricos que utilizan gases aislantes. El ultrasonido puede detectar las fugas de gas al captar los sonidos generados por el flujo del gas.
- Detection of Anomalous Vibrations: Malfunctioning electrical components can produce abnormal vibrations that generate ultrasonic waves.
- Inspection Without Disruption: el ultrasonido permite realizar inspecciones no invasivas. Los técnicos no necesitan desmontar los equipos para realizar estas pruebas, lo que ahorra tiempo de inactividad.
- Predictive Maintenance: Early detection of issues through ultrasound allows for predictive maintenance strategies. This helps avoid unplanned shutdowns and prolongs the lifespan of equipment.
- Training and Technical Knowledge: Training and Technical Knowledge: Technicians using ultrasound for electrical maintenance require training to properly interpret collected data and make informed decisions.

Ultrasound in electrical maintenance is a powerful technique to identify early issues in electrical equipment, which can enhance the safety, reliability, and efficiency of electrical installations.