When the maneuvering teams (switches) of the differential protections are not located in the same substation, it becomes necessary to validate an End-to-End testing protocol, which allows simulation from different locations, both local and remote.
- Detailed Planning: We design a comprehensive plan that defines the scope of the tests, the involved devices, simulated fault scenarios, and the operational sequences to evaluate.
- Appropriate Equipment: We have the suitable testing equipment, Omicron CMC356, with all its licenses.
- Scenario Configuration: We set up fault scenarios realistically to simulate various conditions, such as short circuits, overloads, and ground faults provided by the client.

En Tecnomedida contamos con un grupo de especialistas para pruebas de protecciones, junto con los equipos necesarios para realizar la comprobación de las protecciones en ambos extremos E2E y validar que la operación sea correcta en todos los casos posibles de fallas.