Integrated Management System Policy

Bogotá, 26 de marzo de 2024 

TECNOMEDIDA S.A.S. is a company that provides acceptance electrical testing and maintenance electrical testing services for elements, accessories, and equipment used for the supply of both public and private electrical power. Our goal is to identify and meet the needs of companies and institutions in an innovative way, providing quality in our service.

We have a multidisciplinary team, duly qualified and trained for the tasks at hand, who efficiently, warmly, empathetically, disciplined, and honestly meet the expectations of our clients. They integrate with conviction and loyalty into the organization's group to which we provide service

We have the appropriate infrastructure and technology to fulfill our commitment to satisfy the demands and requirements of our clients, providing personalized service with high-quality standards.

TECNOMEDIDA is committed to achieving objectives and develops plans aimed at the continuous improvement of our processes, environmental care, and involves our suppliers in this purpose to enhance service quality, satisfy our clients, meet all applicable requirements, and elevate our performance to be the best strategic partners for our clients.

TECNOMEDIDA is committed to the safety and health of all its employees and contractors through the identification of hazards, risk assessment, and determination of controls to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. We promote a preventive culture among our employees based on training, communication, consultation, and their participation in initiatives aimed at improving a safe and healthy work environment, ensuring the implementation of the SG-SST at all levels of the company.

We have the commitment of our employees to comply with safety norms and procedures to carry out safe and productive work. In case of any eventuality, they will promptly communicate all conditions that may generate consequences and contingencies for employees and the company.

En Tecnomedida sabemos que nuestro planeta es el principal recurso que tenemos, por esta razón estamos comprometidos con el cuidado,  conservación y protección del medio ambiente, buscando de esta manera la prevención de la contaminación, gestionando los aspectos ambientales y mitigando los impactos generados por nuestras actividades, tales como el consumo de energía y generación de residuos, a través de la implementación de prácticas ambientales adecuadas, programas de mitigación de impactos y aprovechamiento de recursos.

Marco Bonilla

General Manager