Alquiler de equipos Pruebas Eléctricas

Omicron CPC100

Equipo para Pruebas Eléctricas Primarias Omicron CPC100, Sistema multifuncional con el que se pueden efectuar pruebas eléctricas en transformadores de Potencia, transformadores de corriente, transformadores de tensión, interruptores de potencia, seccionadores, sistemas de puesta a tierra, líneas y cables de potencia.

Omicron CP TD1 y CP TD12

Accesorio del sistema multifuncional de Pruebas Eléctricas Primarias para medir Factor de Potencia. Corriente de Excitación (En combinación con el CPC 100) 
It can perform the following measurements:

  • Capacitance Cp.
  • Dissipation factor (Tangent delta).
  • Power factor
  • Active, reactive, and apparent power.
  • Impedance.

Omicron Franeo 800

  • Tests for Power Transformers: Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA)
  • Tests the mechanical and electrical integrity of power transformers after transportation or exposure to high fault currents.
  • Utilizes the principle of Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) and measures the electrical transfer function across a wide frequency range. 

Omicron CP CB2

Accessory to increase the current up to 2000A. (In combination with the CPC 100) 
It's a current amplifier CP CB2. The CP CB2 connects to the bars using a short high-current cable and to the CPC 100 with the long control cable.
Primary current injection for testing Current Transformers, Circuit Breakers, among others.

Omicron CP CU1

Accessory that, in combination with the CPC 100, allows for the following measurements:

  • Line impedance and factor K of overhead lines or high-voltage cables.
  • Ground impedance of large systems.
  • Step and touch voltages.
  • Mutual coupling of parallel overhead lines.
  • Coupling of power lines to signaling cables.

Omicron CMC356

Equipo de prueba de relés de protección.
Key injection system for current transformers, wiring checks, and an essential tool for commissioning.

  • Powerful current sources for testing, including high burden electromechanical relays.
  • High current amplitudes for testing 5 A relays.
  • High accuracy and versatility for testing all kinds of static and numeric relays.
  • Integrated network for testing IEC 61850 IED devices.
  • 10-channel analog measurement functions and transient recording (option).

We have 4 cases with options:

  • IEC 61850 Goose licenses.
  • End-to-End Testing licenses.

Omicron CMC256Plus

Equipo de prueba de relés de alta precisión y calibrador universal. 

  • Pruebas de todas las generaciones de relés: electromecánicos, estáticos, numéricos, End to End
  • High-precision test signals for testing meters and power quality measurement devices.
  • 10 channels, transient and trend recorder.

Omicron CMGPS 588

La unidad CMGPS 588 es para sincronizar una base temporal de un equipo de prueba de OMICRON: 

  • Control an OMICRON test device at a predetermined time point (activating the starting point of a testing process).
  • Synchronize the starting point of a testing process between two or more OMICRON test devices.
  • Accurate capture of timestamp data by the OMICRON test equipment.

Equipos de prueba compatibles: ARCO 400, CMC 356, CMC 256plus, CMC 430 y CMC 353 con NET-1B, NET-1C o NET-2, DANEO.

Omicron Cibano500

3-in-1 Test System for Medium and High Voltage Circuit Breakers.

  • Prueba de resistencia estática de contactos (medición de micro-ohmios).
  • Prueba de arranque mínimo. Tiempo de Operación.
  • Pruebas de sincronismo.
  • Coil and motor current analysis.
  • Pruebas Dinámicas de Movimiento

Omicron CT Analyzer

Tests for Current Transformers for Protection and Measurement.
With the CT Analyzer, the following can be determined:

  •  Accuracy of the ratio and phase angle, considering nominal and connected loads.
  • Excitation and saturation of the CT.
  • Load impedance.
  • winding resistance
  • Saturated and unsaturated inductance.
  • CT polarity.

Do you require a special test that is not listed here?